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Dr Thaler’s Proofs, Args, and ZK

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Zero-Knowledge Proofs Starter Pack

Home - ZK Podcast

Introduction to ZKPs: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10JmV3-VxPtdHlrX4MSu-ERH82IonZeLrDdLZ1lJ6Wlc/edit#slide=id.gd3aa85d23a_0_912

Introduction to ZKPs: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10JmV3-VxPtdHlrX4MSu-ERH82IonZeLrDdLZ1lJ6Wlc/edit#slide=id.gd3aa85d23a_0_912


Zk Snarks vs The Rest

Vitalik: Quadratic Programs from Zero to Hero


ZKP Illustrated Primer

Primer to ZKP

Decentriq zkSNARKs Primer Part 1

Undestanding Zero Knowledge Through Tornado Cash

Dark Forest Introduction to ZK SNARKS Part 1

Dark Forest Introduction to Circuits Part 2

A hands-on tutorial for zk proofs part 1

ZKP Hands-On Tutorial Part 1

ZKP Hands-On Tutorial Part 2

ZKP Hands-On Tutorial Part 3


A Cambrian Explosion of Crypto Proofs

ZKG Polynomial Commitments

The Hunting of the SNARK Part 1

The Hunting of the SNARK Part 2

The Hunting of the SNARK Part 3

STARKS: Proofs with Polynomials, P1

STARKS: Thank Goodness it’s FRI-day, P2

STARKS: Intro the Weeds, P3

STARKS vs SNARKS vs Bulletproofs


STARK Math: The Journey Begins

Arithmetization I

Arithmetization II

Low Degree Testing

A Framework for Efficient STARKs

ECs with Prescribed Embedding Degrees

Anatomy of a STARK Introduction

Anatomy of a STARK STARK Overview

Anatomy of a STARK: Basic Tools

Anatomy of a STARK: FRI

Anatomy of a STARK: Polynomial IOP

Anatomy of a STARK: Rescue-Prime STARK

Anatomy of a STARK: Speeding things up


SNARK [2011]

STARKS [2018] ⭐

Aurora [2018]

vRAM [2018]

GKM+18 [2018]

Sonics [2019]

Libra [2019]

DARKs [2019]

PLONK [2019] ⭐

SLONK [2019]

Recursive Proofs [2019]

Marlin [2019]

Fractal [2019]

Spartan [2019]

Redshift [2019]



https://github.com/ventali/awesome-zk https://github.com/a16z/zkdocs



Math: https://twitter.com/EliBenSasson/status/1578380154476208131